Saturday, November 19, 2016

After Note 7, Samsung Galaxy J5 also explode

Also, earlier this month, Samsung was forced to withdraw 2.8 million dishwashers because they dismantled during use.
Now, according to a report coming from France, via CNET news agency, a woman had exploded smartphone Galaxy J5, broadcasts. Lamya Bouyirdane told The Associated Press he has noticed that her phone was very hot on the screen and began to smoke from the phone. Then she threw her to the floor and the phone is gripped by the fire while his rear was completely deformed.
It also says it plans to sue Samsung company because he was her son who had the phone in his hand a few seconds before they explode.
“We can not comment now on this particular incident until we examine this phone. Consumer safety remains our highest priority and we want to work with any customer who has experienced a problem with Samsung products, in order to investigate the case and support them. Problems with the Galaxy Note 7 are isolated only to that model, “said Samsung in a statement to CNET.
Samsung must agree with this problems with Note 7 are the company itself, apart from a few isolated incidents here and there, while the rest of the Samsung lines are OK.
Bouyirdane said by phone bought the site, so there are a number of reasons why you broke the phone and that this incident may not be primarily the fault of Samsung.

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